About the Programme


Our discussion-led programme takes young people on a challenging but reflective learning journey where it’s OK to respectfully disagree, it’s OK to be wrong, it’s OK not to know, it’s OK to ask questions and most importantly, it’s OK to share their opinions 


Within a nurturing safe space, freedom of thought and debate will be encouraged as a way of resurrecting students’ energy for learning and knowledge, which will benefit them as individuals and can be channelled back into their school life.

Young people will delve deeper into personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE)/ relationships and sex education (RSE) topics in an engaging, relaxed and relatable way with facilitators from all walks of life who speak their language.

At the end of the programme we expect to see changes in students’:

  • Attitudes towards their future and current lifestyle
  • Self-perception and motivation
  • Ability to be more critical thinkers
  • Communication
  • Confidence 

The programme should inspire young people to become lifelong learners who are set up for greater success as they transition into adulthood. They’ll have greater self-awareness, emotional literacy and desire to stay in school. 


Children with social and emotional difficulties, behavioural concerns and neurodevelopmental conditions as well as those who are struggling to progress academically

The programme can be adapted for secondary school children of all ages. It would be ideal for those in Years 7-9, who are nearer the beginning of their secondary school journey, but would also be effective for older students in Years 10 and 11 preparing for further education

Our facilitators are happy to have groups of mixed ages

“Young people can articulate themselves well, but oftentimes the issue is transferring their thoughts from brain to paper. Removing the pressure to write will let them dig deeper into their thoughts.”

Joseph Squire, Founder


Over 12 weeks we challenge students to interrogate their current beliefs and behaviours, thought patterns, habits and motivations – individually and as a group – so they learn together and from each other. We want them to share their lightbulb moments, concerns and reflections and become each other’s cheerleaders to show them the power in the community. 

The final week will include a small graduation – a chance to celebrate how far they’ve come, set goals and provide feedback. 

Sessions are flexible, participatory and interactive. Ideally, they’ll last a full school day. 

Schools can tailor a shorter package, if you can’t commit to 12 weeks.


We can deliver any combination of topics, or a single session, to suit your needs


– Breaking the cycle
– Motivation & discipline
– New beginnings
– Optimal health
– Time & procrastination


– Emotions & control
– Honesty, loyalty & betrayal
– Love, sex & intimacy
– Relationships & respect


– Communication & comprehension
– Education & academia
– Real vs fake

How do we do it?

Each topic is split into smaller, related themes that flow into one another with enough time for regular check-ins at the end of each section to check for understanding, answer questions, and build on previous learnings from earlier in the day.

The course is largely discussion-based to remove the barrier that writing can present for some students. We think this makes the programme more enticing and inclusive for all types of learners.

  • Brief worksheets and a quiz will accompany each session to help track their understanding and progress
  • Students will have a journal to give them a personal space to reflect 
  • Verbal feedback during discussions will also allow for ongoing assessment

Start Your Journey With Us

Our programme can be adapted specifically to your school and its students needs. To understand more about package costs and begin discussing how we can benefit your school, please reach out.